Electricity Lightning

วันอังคารที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2557

google x

Google X

       As you know, Google - is not only a search engine: The company is a world leader in the creation of gadgets, internet services, and more. The most curious development team is engaged in a secret Google X, and among their projects - here are 10 ideas that the Internet giant seeks to bring to life.

1. Car without a driver will make road traffic safer.
       Experts of Google X for several years working on the project Driverless Car Program. 
Negotiations are underway with the authorities for permission to test the self-governing vehicles on public roads - as long as this agreement only states of California and Nevada.
       A fleet of ten vehicles with test systems allow run over more than 480 thousand km (as of August of 2012), and of course, tests are continuing. However, it is unclear when such a system will be commercially available.

2. Google Glass will change the way you think about gadgets.
       Having put on those glasses, you can forget about the screens of smartphones and computers - the right information will always be available in only one eye movements. 
       One way to look up - and before you calendar, email, social networks, weather, in general, everything that you want. 
       Google Glass makes a revolutionary technology available to a wide range of people so far only a few lucky people, mostly developers and journalists were able to get a working prototype of points, but the consumers opportunity arises next year.

3. "Smart House" according to Google.
        The technology, called Android @ Home, will fully automate all of the life support system by connecting to the Internet, for example, while you are not home, a refrigerator will be able to order the necessary products itself, and coffee maker to make coffee exactly to your arrival. 
        Android @ Home will connect all electrical appliances.

4. Space elevator
       According to published in the journal «Time» information Google X team in 2011, the year included the idea of ​​a "space elevator" in the so-called list of "What if ...". I must say, the very concept of this method of delivery to the orbit of people and goods put forward by K. Tsiolkovsky in 1895, the year. 
       Do not wait for Google's early implementation of this idea - the development of "lift into orbit," presents many technical challenges, and all the more likely to say that to implement this idea in life is impossible. However, it's probably Google thus "cover their tracks" to save the process of developing a secret.


5. Watch a smartphone based on Android.
       Recently, it was reported that Google is preparing a direct competitor iWatch from Apple - a watch, combined with the smartphone: of course, watches SmartWatch smartphone from Google will use the operating system Android. 
       This latest «must have»-new to the gadget lovers will be available early next year.

6. Google will take care of your health.
       The Internet giant has a stake in the company Adimab, engaged in the development of diagnostics and treatment of various diseases, which would bring a variety of technologies and methods to combat diseases.The revolutionary idea is the invention of miniature sensors involved in the search and optimization of antibodies produced by the body - to start treatment only need to swallow such a sensor. 
       Another development in the field of Google Health is a subsidiary of iPierian, creating the technology of "cellular reprogramming» (cellular reprogramming), which will fight the disease by modifying cells.

7. Internet airships cover the entire planet wireless.
       Google's ambitions as a provider of Internet reached all-time highs - the company is developing airships that will provide wireless connectivity the entire planet, including remote regions in Africa and other parts of the Earth. 
       If the project is realized, the "world wide web" will get about another 1 billion people - mostly residents of the "third world."

8. Game console based on Android.
       The popularity of the Android platform is growing all over the world, and Google is seeking to use its potential to the maximum. 
       «Wall Street Journal» spoke about the development of the gaming console from Google, which is designed to be a "killer" similar technology "Yabloko» - Apple TV: game console from Google allows you to run any Android-games directly on your home television.

9. The way Google determines the development of smart phones Motorola.
       Buy Google of Motorola Mobility (transaction was $ 12.5 billion) to become the owner of the first allowed 24.5 thousand patents and designs. 
       Under the wing of the Internet giant will release a smartphone Motorola Moto X based on Android, which has all the modern features and characteristics, as well as, of course, a number of trendy "chips", which has no rivals - release date already quite close.


10. Eco-friendly sources of energy
       The company Makani Power - developer of advanced technologies in the use of wind and solar energy: Google previously invested in the company a lot of money, and recently acquired in its entirety and included in the project, which deals with Google X. 
       The best-known development Makani Power - wind turbines, hovering at an altitude of almost 300 m to 650 m-minute and allow to generate electricity out of thin air.

